A Guide to Acupuncture

Written by Leanna Serras

 Guide on Several Techniques of Acupuncture- An acupuncture guide for the novice explaining diseases, observations, and coping techniques.

Acupuncture The Alternative Medicine- History of acupuncture, the types of acupuncture and what it can be used for.

Acupuncture- How it works, techniques, and treatable conditions.

 Ear Acupuncture- Substantiated information on ear acupuncture in European Medicine.

 Laser Acupuncture- A study on laser acupuncture.

 Acupuncture as a Cancer Treatment- Studies of its effects on the immune system, pain, and side effects from cancer treatments.

Tinnitus- Acupuncture could help relive ringing in the ears.

Acupuncture for Pain- All about acupuncture with scientific research that supports acupuncture in medicine.

Acupuncture FAQ’s- Defines acupuncture and advises who will get the best benefits from the therapy.

Medical Advances- Explains the origination of acupuncture and states the findings of acupuncture studies.

Veterinary Acupuncture- An educational institute that is encouraging a combination of acupuncture and western veterinary medicine.

Guide for Teenagers- Provides information about acupuncture for teens in a easy to understand format.

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