Herbs and supplements have been used for centuries as a way to treat and prevent certain illnesses and ailments. Research continually finds new benefits to many natural herbs that grow wild throughout the world.
Aloe vera has long been considered a natural remedy for a number of ailments and conditions. Studies have proven that Aloe vera is excellent for the treatment of burns. In addition, people have used aloe vera as a dietary supplement in the treatment of diabetes, constipation, osteoarthritis and epilepsy.
Bee pollen is pollen that has collected by bees as they have gone from plant to plant. The substance is chock full of nutrients, and can be used as a dietary supplement to enhance energy, stamina, and to prevent hay fever.
Calendula is excellent for use as a topical remedy. Studies show that it is great for treating wounds such as chafed skin, punctures, burns, and other abrasions. It has even been recommended to women undergoing cancer treatment to treat and prevent skin irritation resulting from their treatments.
Chamomile tea, and other preparations using this wonder-herb, is used for the treatment of a number of ailments. Chamomile can be used for everything from canker sores and indigestion to nausea, insomnia, and anxiety. It can also be used topically for skin irritations.
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Cranberry has long been accepted as a cure for diarrhea, wounds, urinary tract issues, and diabetes. It is also being studied as preventative of H. pylori infections which can cause ulcers. Cranberry is also reputed to have antioxidant and anticancer properties.
Dandelion is used as an ingredient in herbal preparations to treat digestive disorders. It is thought to be good for the liver and the gallbladder, and is rich in choline, a B vitamin. It is also thought to help restore the hormone levels in women.
Echinacea is a popular herb, due in large part to its abilities to serve as an antibiotic and an immune system booster. Thousands of people use it to help fight colds, the flu, and other types of infections. In addition to decreasing the severity of the illness, it can also relieve the symptoms of the illness such as achiness, congestion, and fever.
Rich in prostaglandins, evening primrose oil is popularly used to help combat the symptoms of PMS, and to decrease breast issues. It also helps lower one?s risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol and the risk of blood clots. It can even be used to help treat skin conditions such as eczema!
Garlic has had a reputation for being somewhat of a wonder drug. Many people have used garlic to treat colds and flus, and raw garlic has also been used for acne problems. Science has proven that the use of garlic has natural antibiotic properties, and that the body does not become resistant to it, so the health benefits can last for a long time.
Ginger has been used for many purposes. It has shown to aid in the body?s digestion and works as an antacid for many people. The compounds found in ginger can help fight diarrhea. Ginger has also shown to be effective against certain forms of nausea, like morning sickness and seasickness.
Ginkgo biloba has been used throughout Europe for the treatment of dementia. There is evidence that ginkgo can improve a person?s learning and memory in those who suffer from Alzheimer?s disease. Properties in ginkgo may also lessen problems in the retina, and has been shown to improve a person?s blood flow. Ginkgo is also recommended for those with symptoms of depression, high blood pressure and dizziness.
Ginseng has been used for many purposes, including increasing energy and vitality in the body. It can help a person resist stresses due to physical and biological means.
Green tea has long been used as an extract in teas and in pill form. There have been benefits to green tea such as helping to improve mental alertness, protection from the sun, and prevention and treatment of some cancers. However, the most common benefit of green tea is that it can be helpful for those trying to lose weight.
Lavender is used for many health benefits. The essential oils of the herb can help induce sleep, and is recommended for those suffering from insomnia. Lavender oil has been used for massages for pains such as tense and aching muscles, backaches and joint pain. Lavender has also been used for skin and hair care, digestion and to help with urine flow.
Lemon is widely used to cleanse the system, as it is a natural diuretic. Lemon juice is an excellent form of natural vitamin C, and regular consumption of lemons can help guard a person?s immunity system against bacteria and harmful germs. Lemon has also been used to relieve stress, insomnia, fever and a variety of other ailments.
The seeds and fruit of the milk thistle can be used to protect the body from cell damage, and is in use as a remedy for liver and bile duct issues. Studies are being conducted to learn about milk thistles ability to make chemotherapy more effective in cancer patients, as well as make the treatments less toxic.
Passion flower is an herb that is widely used for treating those suffering from insomnia and anxiety. It can also be given as a sedative for nervous disorders, restlessness, for the reduction of spasms and for people who have problems sleeping. Passion flower can also be used as a fragrance.
Peppermint has been used to improve digestion, relieve flatulence, indigestion, cramping and diarrhea. Peppermint is also said by some to have a soothing effect on the nervous system, and can help reduce anxiety. Peppermint sprays have been widely used as sore throat, cold and cough remedies.
St. John?s Wort is a wild flower that has been used for decades in Germany and Europe as a natural herb that treats depression, general anxiety and sleeping disorders. Many researchers have claimed that taking large quantities of St. John?s Wort can be just as effective as a doctor-prescribed drug.
Tea tree oil has been used for the treatment of infections, and also as a prevention of them. This oil can also be used for fungal infections in the nails, vagina and those suffering from athlete?s foot. Tea tree oil has also been used as a treatment for acne.