Tips for Healthy Skin

Written by Leanna Serras

Your skin serves as a barrier between the outside world and your internal tissues and organs. This physical barrier has specific needs to ensure that it maintains its important functions for your overall health. Caring for your skin helps keep it both clean and healthy. Cleaning makeup brushes is one thing you can do to ensure that your skin stays free of bacteria. High-quality makeup brushes are expensive, but with the right maintenance, they should last a long time. When you first purchased your makeup brushes, they were perfectly fluffy. Your new brushes probably applied your makeup in flawless fashion, and the bristles were perfectly clean. Over time, however, old makeup left in the bristles will begin to interfere with makeup application. Old makeup also harbors bacteria, which you will be applying to your skin every time you use your unclean brushes. To keep makeup brushes free of bacteria, clean them weekly using a commercial brush cleaner or baby shampoo.

Your overall lifestyle can also be important in how healthy and young-looking your skin stays over the years. Even the water you consume can play a major role in your skin's health. Water is mandatory to replenish body fluids and to maintain bodily functions. Because your skin is an organ, it requires water for healthy functioning. The cells present in your skin contain water, and they require water to keep them working. If you do not drink enough water, your skin can become dry, flaky, and tight. Over time, skin that does not receive sufficient water will lose its elasticity, and you may notice wrinkles appearing. Water can benefit skin in two ways. First, it's important to drink sufficient water to hydrate your body. Women should drink 72 ounces of water each day, and men should drink 100 ounces of water. Secondly, your skin needs moisture applied to the surface to hydrate it. While your skin is damp from bathing, apply a rich moisturizer to lock the moisture into your skin.

The nutrients in the foods you eat also play a significant role in overall skin health. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals will benefit the skin. Foods containing vitamin A will help skin cells renew themselves. Orange vegetables, melon, and dairy products are three sources of vitamin A. Fruits are significant sources of antioxidants, which can help keep skin healthy. Eat fruits such as strawberries, blackberries, plums, and blueberries to benefit your skin. Foods containing essential fatty acids also work to keep skin healthy and supple. Add foods such as walnuts, flax seed, salmon, and expeller-pressed olive oil. Whole grains contain selenium, which benefits skin cells. Selenium may enable skin cells to resist sun damage and thereby could reduce skin cancer risks. Green tea contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can help your skin resist damage and cancer.

Lifestyle choices can also determine the health of your skin and how well it ages. Overexposure to sunlight can cause premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer. You can minimize the damage from the sun by ensuring that your diet and water consumption are adequate because staying hydrated and providing your skin with nutrients will help it resist environmental damage. It's also helpful to limit your exposure to harmful rays from the sun. The middle of the day usually delivers the most intense sun rays. Smoking cigarettes can also contribute to skin damage over time. Smoking can lead to yellowish skin discoloration and wrinkles. The chemicals contained in cigarette smoke will reduce blood circulation, decrease the body's ability to form collagen, and reduce estrogen levels. All of these issues will lead to reduced skin elasticity and wrinkles.

Here are some informative resources to learn more about keeping your skin healthy: